One place used a ton and often with out a coupon is Papa Johns. Which always shocks me when I see it happen. I knew I had fully crossed over to the deal seeker side when I sat there shocked as I watched my parents, after ordering 2 large pizzas with one of them supreme , pay FULL PRICE! That is a nightmare in my house. I'm going to admit and you will notice quickly that we eat out quite a bit. More than the average family but I'm not a huge cook and we are a busy family and sometimes I'd rather call Papa and eat at 6 pm than waiting til dinners done and everyone eats at 8ish.
Papa is my homeboy and go to guy. I always sign up for text alerts AND emails. This is important because they are not always the same deals sent out. I've noticed better coupons in my emails. They also have customer appreciation day which a large cheese in my area is $6.99. This is a definite Papa night. And Ill let you in on a little secret that is amazing.. freeze the left over pizza. Yes if your experienced in the way of the Freezer arts that I applaud you but for some reason this never dawned on me. My daughter has microwave the students can use since she's at a smaller school. SO this is perfect for us I can throw her in a few pieces and than BAM pull them out later when I need a backup for lunch. And I look like the cool mom so 2 birds one stone.
If I can't find a deal I like in my texts or emails than I start a google search for Papa Johns promo codes. Now get ready because your about to kiss a lot of frogs to get to that prince of a coupon. Sometimes you get lucky and its that first code but i usually have to try a few but I also don't like to settle for less than 40 percent off. I have found that I can usually get a extra large cheese for under 13 bucks.
Yes I know this is not considered a healthy option for as much as we personally eat it but hey we are a busy family and we like food :) Also for families we find the square cut seems to offer a lot more visually so my family feels like they are eating more this way. I'm able to say yes on the 3rd pieces when secretly I know the 2 eaten equal one slice.
This is what works for our family, where's your go to place?
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