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Tricks for Beating the Rack "Shuffle"

Tricks for Beating Rack "Shuffle" Struggle

         When I was younger I had this friend who no matter what TJ max, Marshalls, or "rack" store would walk in and within 30 minutes have a ton of amazing clothes to choose from.  She made it look as easy as washing your hands, it seemed so effortless. Until I tried it myself one day and after an hour I left empty handed, emotionally drained and disappointed.  After that I learned to avoid "the racks" and stayed away for years.

       So after some years I began seeing my mom having the same luck as my friend and bringing home amazing quality clothes with brand names to match from our local Salvation army. I decided to give it a try again but no luck. I would get half way into a rack and get frustrated because where were all these amazing finds I kept seeing other people having.  Discouraged I stayed away. After my daughter was born things changed and I began to look at things a new way.

I realized I was a clothes Snob who expected so much that without realizing it I had already convinced myself I wasn't going to find anything.  I would look at something and judge it right away before trying to on and giving it a chance. I was so critical that I almost expected that everything be retail store quality and what I thought was trendy that I was setting my self up to be let down before I even started.

Mental Preparation is key!! 

1. EXPECT NOTHING! First of all, anything at an outlet is bound to have some sort of flaws otherwise why would it be there? If your going to a Salvation army etc, remember if its there, its a donation expect there to be a reason its donated.  There will be times you find great stuff but remember when you were a kid and you hyped a place up so much that you got there that if wasn't that great?  Don't hype it up and you will be pleasantly surprised. One of my favorite finds that I'm currently wearing the life out of is great condition Coach Shoes that I paid 6.99 for and retail for over 100 dollars.  ( Funny side story: I bought these same shoes for full retail price when I was 20 and wore them maybe 4 times and where they are now who knows, but these 6.99 same style just black instead of brown and I wear these babies everywhere! Even housekeeping!) Within the Past week I have walked out of salvation army with Apt 9 BRAND NEW WITH TAGS, White House Black Market BRAND NEW WITH TAGS (multiple items), BKE jeans BRAND NEW CONDITION (4.25), BRAND NEW Lands End Girls winter Jacket (1.50 I Kidd you not) J Jill, JJ Bean and more. So there are precious diamonds hidden for you to find.  I've gotten my boyfriend into it and  we went to a Goodwill in a bigger city close to us and I kid you not every men's shirt retailed for 40 and up plus we found a thrift place that was having a clearance sale marking certain items $1.00.  Not only did I have to hide my excitement ( which included that little under  your breath, squeal like a little girl noise that happens when its to much excitement to hold in and enough to make my man give me "Are you insane?" stares and ask what's wrong.) as I pulled brand name pants in pristine condition most with tags still on them off the rack, but I felt bad for a second thinking maybe I should leave some for others.. don't worry it was just a second. Hey I'm talking Banana Republic, American Rag, the perfect yellow color Vans Jeans, and more.  

So when your getting ready to go RELAX, stop stressing your self out. If you find something than good if not, than whatever there's always next time.

2. Go Inspired. Check out Pinerest first. A simple task you already do with change a trip dramatically.  Type in thrift store DIY  or upcycle see what other people have done and get ideas for what things can be changed into.  If you have a hard time seeing things for the potential they hold and only see them for what they are, this trick will do wonders for you. I had never really thought of it as a "gift" some people have until I brought home this beautiful wood table for my microwave that was the exact size I had been looking for that someone had thrown out (yes I'm one of those girls) and as I'm showing my boyfriend hes just looking at it like its garbage and asks what's my plans.  I was shocked he didn't see the endless possibilities that it had. I seen it as white glossy or black, maybe even red with a printed top.. some studs.. the choices were endless. But all he could see what a garbage picked ugly table. It was perfect size and has a little ledge on it where the cats dishes sit nicely removing them from the floor rand the constant kicking of the water bowl. Killed two bird with one stone and FREE because of "the gift".  Its funny people get quite a surprise and a laugh, when a car suddenly stops, and I pop out usually nicely dressed ( most scrappers are smart and wear old clothes so they don't get nasty) run up to a pile of garbage pick my beauty and dash back to the car.  I do have some awkward times where I'm not sure I feel comfortable and get a little embarrassed I'm not gonna lie but usually a block past it the little "save me I'm beautiful" voice is getting louder and 9 times out of 10 is screaming but block 2 and I'm turning around and going back. But I'm getting off topic lol that's for another post :)
3. Know Your Ideal Product- A lot of people have this hidden for lack of a better words "Hidden Vanity".   If I show you a shirt and you like it you will say cute and think nothin of it. But if I showed you a shirt and said omg this was 100 dollars normally and I got it for 10 dollars and its in perfect condition you would see the shirt in a whole new light. We have been programed to put a price tag on this to qualify them as the "nicer things". Everyone has this even if you are a deal saver you still put value on that price tag to show how much you saved. 
Look at Hatchimals, we all went crazy! They are the most non new tech toy out but someone somewhere said they were "the best" so we all jumped and ran to the store to find them. I was shocked as I (luckily thanks to Nana) had  raincheck for 50 dollar at Target but others on boards made just for these toys were paying over 100 for each one! Craigslist the cheapest was 110. Even my rain check didn't help as I got up at 4 am to start checking the Hatchimals tracker for 3 weeks. We are very blessed that my daughter uncle got involved and ended up being a online genius and succeeded at getting us 2, one for each of my girls, at retail price.  Knowing people where paying hundreds made it even more worth it getting up and driving to multiple stores just to know I got it and it was for a reasonable price.
Once you know some values behind the tags your staring at it changes your view on things. Suddenly those endless names you see over and over will start to sparkle. I've seen Anny Taylor or her LOFT clothes and thought that's old lady and passed it by a million time. Now years later I know the brand, quality and retail value so I have a different appreciation for their clothing. In fact, as I'm going threw my closet to resell some of my clothes I'm finding out that a lot of my favorite pieces are actually from this brand.  So ya, first hand crazy for ya but I can honestly remember shopping in my favorite bright pink cardigan ( which I now know if LOFT) and passing right by it.

4. ALWAYS BE FRIENLY- Do you want to walk around your house  picking up clothes, putting them back in their place and than come back and have to do it again 50 more times? I don't that's for sure! And they don't either, just because its part of their job doesn't mean they want to go crazy running around all day. And I wouldn't want to stand there and fold your 800 items perfectly into flimsy bags that when you get in the car or home your going to rip threw or grab and shove back in the bag. I can barly get my items in the bag at the self check outs before the alarm goes off asking me if I want to bag my item. So I always try and be super nice to the employees and make sure I'm following the store procedure on check outs.  Most places keep the hanger, and well some will ask you to take hangers off yourself, a lot won't. Do it anyway!  One or two items are no big deal but I don't usually walk out with under 5-10 pc minimum so its a must for me. I've noticed as I'm approaching with my many finds my register person usually looks like they are starting a mini anxiety attack, so I address that right away. I smile say hello and tell them I will be folding them for your convenience to see the tag but I'm not a wrinkle freak just go ahead and put them in whatever way them have to be washed anyway. You will literally see the relief come over there face right away which always makes me smile.  I pull a bunch up and pull hanger out than fold each items in a makeshift way with the tag hanging out so that they can grab while seeing the price and not struggle around finding it which speeds up register time insanely. And since you've already some what folded it and they usually just lift and stick in the bag, its usually still some what folded when you get home. Sorry to be so detailed over such a seemingly small detail but a bad experience at the register after a awesome score day can ruin the whole thing. 

5. MAKE FRIENDS OR TAKE FRIENDS: Your choice, either one will work but I prefer to make friends.   Employees are great! They give you the best deals and show you the good stuff! If something is not priced they have the power to price it. I've been at the end of a big buy and been undecided on a 5 dollar item and they offered it for .99 since they recognized I had been there a lot ( ok buying a lot) and always been pleasant to the employee's and store.  An easy way to start this friendship is to take care of your store. If something falls on the floor when your looking, pick it up and rehang it.  Stores love my daughter, usually you see a little kid messing with stuff making a mess but my kids over there organizing and cleaning up. Employees see your effort and appreciate it. Customer friends are easy to but can be good or bad depending on your mood and how good the finds are. Usually this happens when someone will see your cart and see your their shopping soul mate and you will get what I have come to call " The Vulture". I started calling it this during my recent trip where I have a purpose in mind and having been getting a little more possessive than normal.  Now your "shopping soulmate" has decided to tail you around the store to see what your picking up, seeming interested towards and what gets them their "vulture" name waiting for your discard to scoop them up. Now this can be fun if your casually looking you can strike up a convo and have someone to browse with. BUT when your on a mission or accidently leave something you didn't mean to, it will be gone in 2 second. IMPORTANT: Any item that's in your maybe thoughts TAKE IT WITH YOU! Yes put that baby in the cart because it will not be there in 2 minutes, and you can always take thing out of your cart later. This isn't Express where you go back and grab another, this is a take it or lose it game. My boyfriend found out the hard way when he found something perfect for me and went over 3 racks in a small store to get me and when we got back it was gone. If your looking at something and someone is hovering behind you making you feel in the way for a period of time, don't get creeped out its just your first vulture. Ok, Ok do this test first than maybe get creeped out. Pick up a random item and inspect it. Like inspect it like your FBI looking for clue and kind of act like your going to buy it. Than put it back, move to something a little farther down and wait. If they pick it up than its a vulture if not and they just follow you be carful! Your going to run into all kinds of people and defiantly some talkers! I've been cornered by a few older ladies that have chatted my ear off because I'm not the kind of person to ignore or blow them off. But I've also had some creepers, so be carful who you get friendly with if its a customer.

6. Let your eyes be your guide-  Stand Back and just move shirt to shirt with out doing all that moving and flipping and see what pops out at you. Look at the colors and material your favorite brand are and let your eyes find those colors. I like to do a finger run down the rack to feel clothes also. Certain brands just have this magical sparkle when they go past my eyes. I can walk down a row and pull out every Justice for Girls item there in in the row in a quick 10-15 min but its does take me longer once I stop and inspect for stains, rips etc. to make sure the shirt it up to my standards.

Hopefully some of these tricks work for you and will take the stress and frustration out of find those hidden gems among the racks
Good Luck~ Let me know what you find!
xoxo Samantha


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